

Taller de dibujo II

Universidad Europea


Spring 2023


Made by

Jonna Stigsdotter

Jack russel terrier sitting in a dogbed

Thoughts behind the design

The dog bed is adapted to the size of the breed. With a height of 41 cm, making it easy for the breed to jump, climb into it no matter what age.

The Wanmock as it is called comes from the thought of creating an "hammock" out of wood. Two ideas that combined creates the name Wanmock.

To create this hammock the designers have chosen to work with a wooden structure as base and a t shirt as the textile. The t shirt can be an old one found in the wardrobe as well as a thicker one in the time of cool temperatures.

Due to the smart design the T-shirt can easily be exchanged and washed when needed. The T-shirt make the dogs feel surrounded and protected by holding the dog from both sides making it cosy and safe.

Assembly and Concept model

The Wanmock dog bed is put together as puzzle pieces. Easy to assemble and easy to deconstruct. Wanmock gives the owner the possibility to bring, move and tuck away the bed if necessary.

The wanmock dog bed is constructed with the technique of wood joinery. Wich easifys the assembly by not having to use any tools or extra components. The only thing needed is the wood pieces and an t-shirt.

The wood joinery technique used is the “half - lap joint”. Which is where half of each of the two boards being joined is removed so that the two boards join together flush with one another. In half lap joints the boards are of the same thickness and half the thickness of each one removed

Blueprint of how the puzzle pieces fit together to form a dogbed
3D model of 2 kids and a dog sitting down on the floor next to a dogbed

Jack Russel Terrier

Jack Russel terrier are a dog breed that belongs to the "small dog" category. The breed was developed to hunt foxes and has a background in England. It´s offical home country is on the other hand Australia. The dog breed have a common background with Parson Rusell Terrier but are to diffrencies short legged

The average height and weight of a Jack Russel terrier is 25-38 cm ( counted from shoulder and down) and 6-8 kg. Average lifespan of a Jack Russel Terrier is 10-15 years.

The Wanmock bed is designed by Torafu- architects specially adapted to the small dog breed of Jack Russel Terriers.

Sideview blueprint of puzzle pieces measurements